Praise for “The Shut the Fu*k Up Method.”

"Jorge Perez's blunt, hilarious, and uplifting now book, "The Shut the Fu*k Up Method," is the ultimate guide on how to broak the cycle of complaining.

Wity and refreshingly honest, he delves into why we get trapped in complaint spirals and teaches how to distinguish legitimate grievances  from incessant griping. Part tough-love manifesto, part medical self-improvement program.

"The Shut the Fu*k Method" is a wake-up call for anyone ready to ditch the moaning and groaning and start living a happier life.”

  • Gabby Bernstein, # 1 New York Times Bestselling Author

Jorge Perez’s STFU method is a deeply moving and heartfelt guide for getting out of one’s own way. It’s hard to imagine how one can recover from the trauma of losing not one but two parents to cancer. Jorge teaches how we can all be our own healer and how we are much more powerful than society and cultural norms have allowed us to believe. Join Jorge as he discovers the secret truth that we are all our own medicine. 

  • Jamil Damjil, Host of the A&E TV show “Triple Digit Flip.”

“THE ONLY BOOK YOU NEED”- A super easy read, the STFU Method is the key to ultimate peace and happiness. This book will immediately transform your life, helping you evolve and let go. I have never read a book cover to cover and I couldn’t put this book down until I finished! 

  • Alexandra Mattiaci, Advertising Executive

“THIS BOOK IS AMAZING”- It's funny and full of wisdom. The easy, engaging writing makes it a joy to read. I've already started using its methods to improve my life, and the results have been substantial.

  • Selina Ringel, Actress

“SPIRITUALITY FOR THE MASSES”- The STFU Method is a common sense guide to finding common ground between our daily lives and the desire to become more connected spiritually. In his book, Jorge provides concrete ways for us to free ourselves of our negative thoughts.

  • Monica Espino, Lawyer

“JUST THE REMINDER I NEEDED”- As someone who feels that I've read all the books I need, I was impressed by how many times I bookmarked a page to go back and reread. The STFU method is a must-read for people in every stage of their personal development. 

  • Happy Ali, Author

“CLIFF NOTES FOR A BETTER LIFE”- Jorge’s funny and personal stories resonates with many of us, spiritual novices and experts alike. I would also recommend STFU Method as a life hack to teens to help bring the power of awareness to our thoughts, words and actions. Don’t hesitate, buy STFU Method.

  • Annabelle Nunez, Doctor

“TRANSFORMATIONAL!!! A MUST READ!!!”- Wow! This book blew my mind! The author's writing style is engaging and accessible, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply. 

  • David Sanders, Interior Designer

“A MUST READ!”- I had the pleasure of meeting the author, Jorge, at a Dr. Joe Dispenza event (he references Dr Joe in his book) and when I heard he wrote a book I knew I needed to buy it. It did NOT disappoint. In fact I had many "ah ha" moments and moments that really touched my heart. So much so I also purchased the audiobook version so I could hear the author "speak to me" (audiobook is narrated by Author and VERY well done).

  • Jennifer Burgand, Dancer

“SUCH AN ACCESSIBLE READ WITH A GREAT INSIGHT!”- I tend to shy away from these types of books because they tend to be hard to absorb and understand, the way Jorge broke down the book was so accessible and so well, FUN! The message it carries is one we all need to hear, and I felt he gave such insight into easy actionable ways to live in a more positive understanding way. I breezed through this book in 2 days, and not only loved the message but enjoyed the read itself as well. Bravo, Jorge!

  • Michelle Faucheaux, Producer

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My mission is simple: I want to help people live happier lives with dignity and grace.

This book is a celebration of my parents’ lives. They both passed away from cancer within three years.  After studying Epigenetics, the science that explains how we metabolize stress from our environment, I concluded that my parents’ stress levels helped detonate this disease. The mission of this book is to teach people in a super practical way how to keep their stress levels down and enjoy the life of their dreams.  This is my service and gift to the world.  I decided that I needed to write something different, something that the world had never seen.  Studies show that people are currently living 70% of their lives with stress in a state of fight or flight. This is not sustainable for the human body. We need to shift NOW before the epidemic of stress gets even worse. This book is about truly transforming how we metabolize the stress in our lives. I make it really simple and easy to digest. 

After 25 years of being in the personal development space, I noticed that there was a big common denominator among the people who were stuck in their lives; they couldn’t SHUT THE FUCK UP about the complaints in their lives.  If you are still complaining about your boss, your kids always leaving a mess, or how your mother-in-law is always judging you… you are staying stuck in your life.  

The only way that we are going to transform our lives is to stop complaining, period.  But don’t worry, I will give you all the tools that you need to cut complaining out of your life right away.   

This book is more than a self-help book.  This is a self-help book for people who don’t read self-help books or read at all for that matter.  All the chapters are short and filled with easy, to-the-point, stories and lessons.  From the title of the book to the content, this book is curated to disrupt the industry.  Disruption is the mission of my book… The STFU Method.

- Jorge Perez


The STFU Method is a transformative approach that emphasizes the power of silence and self- reflection to radically improve one's life. It revolves around the understanding that excessive complaining, dwelling on problems, or engaging in negative self-talk perpetuates stress and impedes personal growth. By adopting the STFU Method, individuals learn to quiet their minds, focus on positive affirmations, and engage in practices that promote a healthier, more optimistic outlook on life. This method is not about suppressing one's voice but about harnessing the power of strategic silence to detox from negativity, rewire one's thought patterns, and ultimately lead a more fulfilled and peaceful life.


The Core of the STFU Method.

  • When discussing others unfavorably, refrain from using their names. Instead, refer to them as "my friend" to maintain anonymity.

  • In situations where gossip arises, remain silent or simply acknowledge it with “I hear you.” Avoid contributing to negative discussions about absent individuals. When speaking about individuals not present, ask yourself: “What would they think if they could hear you right now?

  • Limit verbal expression of personal troubling issues to one trusted confidant. Precede each discussion by explicitly stating that they will be the only person that will hear this story. This will create a powerful bond between the both of you.

  • Maintain a compassionate outlook when speaking or thinking of your own challenges.

  • Allow others the freedom to express themselves, even if their words are negative. Listen intently without merely waiting for your chance to speak. Strive to listen twice as much as you talk and refrain from dominating conversations.

  • Remember, chaos is a sign that order is taking shape. Everything is unfolding perfectly, even when it feels uncertain. As we embrace the unknown, we may naturally drift away from certain people and things, making space for new growth.

  • Acknowledge the transient nature of existence consistently. Remain mindful that life is fleeting, and one's time on Earth is finite, urging a sense of urgency and purpose.

  • Keep in mind the abundance of blessings in your life and maintain a perspective of gratitude. Recognize that many would eagerly trade places with you, fostering appreciation in all aspects of life.

  • Remember, you're not a TV reporter. Instead of just describing events as they happen, frame them in a way that aligns with your goals and desired outcomes. Be intentional with your words—they shape your reality. Declare your vision clearly and confidently. You control the narrative of your life, and in doing so, you master your perception of it.

  • Before giving advice, remind yourself that everyone is right in their own decision-making. Lead with empathy in every interaction. And sometimes, the best thing you can do is to shut up—literally—and just listen.

“Jorge’s devotion for personal development is unparalleled.  He is so passionate about helping others and service.”

Lance Bass | Singer, TV Personality, Host

“Jorge is a perfect mix of soul and fun.  His work is a blessing in this world.”

Heather McDonald | Author, TV Personality, Comedian

“Jorge has a great ability to navigate between fun and deep.  I think his work is really going to help a lot of people.”

Tarek El Moussa | TV Personality, TV Host, Real Estate Developer

“Jorge is a powerhouse of love, compassion and fun!  His work will no doubt will disrupt the industry with love.”

Patrcia Velasquez | UN Ambassador, Actress

“I have known Jorge for over 15 years and his level of love and empathy for everyone is beyond!  I can’t wait to see what miracles his book does in the world.”

Brittny Gastineau | TV personality, Art Dealer

“Jorge is a force of love and service. There is nothing he wouldn’t do to help mankind.”

- Stuart O’keeffe | Chef, TV Personality

It’s not a snake… its a rope :)

You are not in control… your narrative is in control.

You can’t go battle… with your patterns.

You are repressed… No, you are being mindful.


Get a one-on-one session with the creator of the “Shut The Fu*k Up Method” and learn the basics of the system so you can start today with one session or take a deeper dive by committing to a 6-class package.

The more that we want something, the more that we push it away.

Tire of the drama… then STFU.

You need to speak clean.

Tell the story how you want it to be.